This is a special dedication from one of my Client’s about his dog who passed. They now have a beautiful rescue named Casey and she is a sweetheart.
My Friend Dee
Dee or Delilah (as my daughter named her) came to live with us in the summer of 1998. She was a tan little dog who looked like a cross between a fox and a Chow. She had a black tongue and her tail was forever standing up. She weighed about 26 pounds and could run very fast and fly over fences. My daughter gave her to us after her son was born.
When Dee came to live with us we already had another dog named Nikki a German Shepherd mix. Dee was very aggressive towards Nikki who was really a pussycat. After awhile they grew to love each other.
Dee loved to hunt mice in the backyard and garage, and forever chasing squirrels that ran along the wires in the yard. She was always mischievous and in trouble. She would dig holes,get into the flower beds, dig for lizards, and when she was out, always wanted to come in.
She loved her walks with myself and my wife Linda, she was a constant shadow with us as we moved about. Dee had a brush with disaster in the spring of 02. She needed an operation to remove a blockage in her bowel from eating too much grass. Later in the fall of 05 our dog Nikki died leaving Dee as our only dog. This year in February, Dee didn’t want to go for her daily walk. We discovered a tumor in her body. We were faced with the worst decision, operation or put her down. We had the operation, but she was too old and her brave little heart was too weak. She passed during the night much to our sorrow and the sorrow of our kids. Dee was a little over 13 years old.
I don’t know why the death of this little dog affected my wife and I so much. I do know this creature trusted us so much and, in spite of her pesky nature, was a very loving creature. I still can’t get my arms around this completely, that is why I have written this. The loss of my little friend reminds me of all of the dear friends we lost last year. Joe Compagna, my wife’s Aunt, my step-kids Uncle and many others. The death of Dee also reminds me of all of the people and pets whom we all have loved in this life and now are gone. We must use our time wisely and with love to all whom we encounter,
Vincent A. Ciminera Franklin Sq. New York