
How Beauty Tamed the Beast:

I have to tell you a funny story about my little boy Corona, a Fawn Pug, who is 8 years old and is the cutest little lovable pug any mother can love. Corona was my daughter’s dog given to her from her fiancé at the time for Mother’s Day. As the story turns, he becomes my little boy spoiled rotten and became this nasty, little vicious protector that he is. Corona does not like strangers & lets you know it.

Corona Killiansmaller

Well Dr. Devito, my vet, and my family blamed me. They said it was me that he wants to protect & that he has a behavior problem. That was an understatement. As the story goes, I needed a dog walker/trainer after many years of my family walking Corona & his new brother Killian, it was getting to be a bit much for everyone. 

My vet, Dr. Devito recommended, My Comfy Pet, Patrice & then I realized an angel appeared. Patrice (AKA Aunt Patty to my babies) and the rest is history. He barked & snarled & even bit her pants & it took Patrice 3 days in a row, 15-20 minutes each day to win him over and she did it. She would not give up and would not give into his defeat. To be honest, I thought it would never work, but she did it. 

They are best friends today and she gives him lovies and he looks forward to her daily walks. I don’t know what I would do without Patrice, she is truly my angel.

That is how Beauty tamed my Beast...

Denise L.
Franklin Square, New York


Dear Patrice,
I have played your cd at many events and the audience's have enjoyed it over and over again. When cricket jumps to "puppy tunes (tm)" she has a blast. See you at the next NY show.

Gail Maribella
Disc Doggers
Frisbee shows


I just wanted to thank you for all your wonderful help with my dogs and cats. It is very relaxing to go away on vacation and know my pets were being well cared for. Thank you for spending so much time with them and caring for them like they were your own.

I wish you well with your business and I know you will be successful. You are wonderful caring person and this is truly your calling in life. thank you again. here are some pictures so you can remember my babies until you see them again.
thank you
Nancy C.
Franklin Sq. NY


Dear Patrice and My Comfy Pet

We are very happy that we found your company a year ago. We do not like leaving Oliver in a kennel or imposing on family or friends. We feel comfortable and know that Oliver is safe in your care. You have always gone over and above when it comes to his care and since he has stomach problems, you know just what to do and there is no more stress on him.
Our last trip this Thanksgiving proved it once again how much care you have given to him.He was happy and not needy when we arrived home it was as if we never left, Our home was as neat as when we left it.
Thank you again for all your love and care and mark your calendar, we will need your services again in February.

Jackie H.
Floral Park, NY

Dear Patrice
Several months ago, our friend "Delilah" passed away. A few weeks later, we decided to rescue an older dog.This is the dog in the picture. Her name is "Casey". Because we now had a new responsibility, we also found that we needed special help because of the nature of our newly arrived friend.The arrival of Casey at our house in March presented a logistics problem to us.We were scheduled to go on a trip to Jamaica in the last week of March.

The arrangements that we usually made for our dog "Delilah" would not work for "Casey".She was severely traumatized and we feared that her stay in the kennel would adversely affect her.This is how we came to use the services of Patrice Maresca and her service "My Comfy Pet".We knew Patrice because she took care of our neighbors dogs (see testimonial of Denise L. above).

We must attest that we are very delighted with the care and attention that Patrice and her service give to "Casey".In fact,when Casey sees Patrice, she lights up like a Christmas tree.

Since that time in March, we have had gone away on several occasions and we have used My Comfy Pet to take care of "Casey".Not only does Patrice provide a very needed service, in addition, she has become a very good friend of ours and Casey..

Vincent and Linda Ciminera, Franklin Square, New York

This is a special dedication from one of my Client’s about his dog who passed. They now have a beautiful rescue named Casey and she is a sweetheart.

                                               My Friend Dee

Dee or Delilah (as my daughter named her) came to live with us in the summer of 1998. She was a tan little dog who looked like a cross between a fox and a Chow. She had a black tongue and her tail was forever standing up. She weighed about 26 pounds and could run very fast and fly over fences. My daughter gave her to us after her son was born.

When Dee came to live with us we already had another dog named Nikki a German Shepherd mix. Dee was very aggressive towards Nikki who was really a pussycat. After awhile they grew to love each other.

Dee loved to hunt mice in the backyard and garage, and forever chasing squirrels that ran along the wires in the yard. She was always mischievous and in trouble. She would dig holes,get into the flower beds, dig for lizards, and when she was out, always wanted to come in.

She loved her walks with myself and my wife Linda, she was a constant shadow with us as we moved about. Dee had a brush with disaster in the spring of 02. She needed an operation to remove a blockage in her bowel from eating too much grass. Later in the fall of 05 our dog Nikki died leaving Dee as our only dog. This year in February, Dee didn’t want to go for her daily walk. We discovered a tumor in her body. We were faced with the worst decision, operation or put her down. We had the operation, but she was too old and her brave little heart was too weak. She passed during the night much to our sorrow and the sorrow of our kids. Dee was a little over 13 years old.

I don’t know why the death of this little dog affected my wife and I so much. I do know this creature trusted us so much and, in spite of her pesky nature, was a very loving creature. I still can’t get my arms around this completely, that is why I have written this. The loss of my little friend reminds me of all of the dear friends we lost last year. Joe Compagna, my wife’s Aunt, my step-kids Uncle and many others. The death of Dee also reminds me of all of the people and pets whom we all have loved in this life and now are gone. We must use our time wisely and with love to all whom we encounter,

Vincent A. Ciminera
Franklin Sq. New York